One of the unexpected benefits of producing the Calendar
every year is you sometimes turn over a Christmas stone and find another life underneath to investigate for the rest of the year.
I’ll freely admit I’ve never heard of the appallingly
monikored Indie-pop combo Brainpool, but after unearthing this Christmas
single, I've discovered that this 2013 release represents something of a welcome
comeback for the Swedish band from Lund; there is – to use the latest parlance –
quite a lot of love and excitement out there following the release of this
track, their first in a decade.

Following highly successful releases from 1993 on, their
last 2004 release was a double-album called ‘Junk’, a rock-opera about
anti-consumerism which was turned into a critically acclaimed stage show which
has been playing to packed houses all over the U.S. where the band have
something of a fan base. Perhaps I should be getting out more.
So what of ‘The Last Christmas’? Well, it features a cover
of a cute kitten playing with a gold Christmas decoration – always a winner in
my book even if the ornament is actually a hand grenade – and I’ve been singing
it constantly since I first heard it. It might be my Christmas song of 2013.
But I’m still struggling with that name...
Go here to hear the song and download it for free: Brainpool-The Last Christmas
2023 Update: The video has now been restricted on YouTube so you'll need to view it on site but it will open in a new window. Showing images of war it's nothing more than you'll see on tonight's news, but rules is rules and you better obey them.
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